Sunday, July 25, 2010

In Your Shoes: Guest services, staff relations, tactics
A Hotel staffs must be competitive , and a good way to get them motivated to do anything is to give them a stakes. They need to beat someone, win something or reach a tangible goal. Well, They must have a goal to satify the guest's needs.When I was said my GM Mr.Avdesh Shukla that the Guest relation is very very essential as it is the best way, what gets them to come back. I quickly learned how much of an emphasis is placed on customer service and guest relations. It's the service that will really make a difference in the end. And because of that, he created himself as a guest service specialist, who is always inspired me to deal with guest issues and improving guest services. Since last more than six years I am wrking with him, Always his advice is found worthful.
The best way to improve guest relations is to improve staff relations. A happy staff is a productive and friendly staff. And the Mystic staff is happy. The property has several programs in place to recognize outstanding employees and to encourage GSS score improvement. One of these is the Best Worker of the Month program. Whenever an employee scores more by the HOD's of the Department getting rewarded at the end of the month, meeting organised with GM and HODs & staffs of other Departments.
So, Guest Service, Staff Relation & Tactics are with the staff to provide better service, to overcome the Guest problems and also keep a very good relation with the colleagues, seniors & Staffs.

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