Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Creating a Great First Impression by Phone

Phone etiquette helps encourage clear lines of communication, build rapport, and avoid misunderstanding. It is an important part of customer service and influences the first impression that people form of your business. Here’s how to let callers know that they are dealing with a great company:

Great customer service begins BEFORE the phone even rings. Make sure that you:

Have an organized desk

Pen and paper ready

A list of phone extensions nearby

Know the names, title, and responsibilities of everyone in your office

Have an updated list as to who is in the office today, who is in a meeting, who is out to lunch, and when will they be back

Have a list of who to refer calls to (general topic and person responsible)

Know who has assistants and where calls should be directed if the assistant is out of the office

If you are not comfortable greeting callers, practice in front of a mirror

Learn the call transfer system thoroughly

Familiarize yourself with the answers to general questions regarding your company

Do not disclose confidential information

Some tips on answering the phone:

The best time to answer the phone is just after the second ring. You don’t want to catch the caller off-guard by answering too quickly, nor do you want them to wait too long.

Greet the customer; thank the customer for calling your company; identify yourself; ask how you can assist. For example: “Good morning/Good afternoon. Thank you for calling _____________. This is __________________. How may I direct your call?”

Answer in a warm, enthusiastic, friendly, and positive tone of voice. This makes callers understand that you are happy to assist.

Smile! Believe it or not, it shows through the phone!

LISTEN carefully to what the caller is saying or requesting

Be patient. Stay cool, calm and collected.

Ask callers for their names, even if it is not necessary, and use their names during the remainder the call.

Speak clearly, slowly and in a low tone of voice (you don’t want to seem like you’re screaming)

Never talk with anything in your mouth.

Putting a Caller on Hold:

When putting callers on hold, always ask permission.

When taking callers off hold, always thank them for their patience.

Transferring a Caller:

All co-workers should know how to use the call transfer system. Everyone should know how to transfer callers directly to other co-worker’s extensions; in this way callers will not have to repeat requests a second time and the number of transfers will be reduced.

When transferring callers, tell them the name of the person to whom you are transferring them; announce callers’ names to your co-workers.

Taking Phone Messages: Be sure to record the following information…

Caller’s name and company (if applicable). Repeat this information out loud to ensure accuracy

Time and date of the call

Subject of the call

Ask if callers want their calls retuned. If the answer is yes, get their phone number and ask what time would be convenient for them

Creating a Great Last (until next time) Impression:

Ask if you have answered all of the callers’ questions

Thank them for calling

Always end with a pleasantry, such as: “It was nice speaking with you!” “Have a great day!”

Let the caller hang up first; this shows you are not in a hurry to get off the phone.


DO make the caller feel special.

DO develop a consistent greeting (hotels be sure to meet any brand standards) that is to be used by all staff. DO use a Unique Selling Proposition in your greeting.

DO put the phone down in a gentle manner if this is necessary during the call; it will be easier on the caller’s ear.

DO speak directly into the receiver, without burying it on your shoulder or neck.

DO avoid background noise as much as possible.

DO put a small mirror next to the phone. Smile. Research shows that smiling can be “felt” over the phone.

DO maintain a professional manner at all times!


DON’T type or shuffle papers. It suggests that you’re not listening to the caller.

DON’T eat, chewing gum, or have anything in your mouth while talking on the phone.

DON’T sound rushed, as if you have more important things to be doing.

DON’T keep a caller on hold for more than 30 seconds. Speed sells!

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